Supporting Us Financially

Bristol Methodist Centre will be becoming an independent charity in June. We are therefore encouraging supporters who would like to support us financially to give to Turnaround Bristol, which is the new charity name. 

It costs about £160,000 per year to keep the Bristol Methodist Centre/Turnaround Bristol doing the great work it does, and we are seeking to develop the work significantly over the next few years.

Please consider making a donation towards our mission today. Thank you!

Below are some of the ways in which you can help make a difference to homeless people and help our ongoing passion to deliver the best care, guidance and support for our guests. 

1) Donate to us by direct bank transfer

If you would like to make a bank transfer to help support our continued work, our bank details to do this are as follows;

Name of Account: Turnaround Bristol
SC: 08-92-99
AC: 67334667

2) You can make a one-off online donation through Stewardship

3) By using your Gift-Aid.

If you are a taxpayer, we would be delighted if you would gift aid your donation so that Turnaround Bristol can benefit from the extra 25p in every £1 you give at no cost to you. Please download a gift aid form here

Want to know more? Find out more about other ways to support Turnaround Bristol.